Welcome to FEM-START Resources. Find the future in our free resources below. Our blog, online webinars and press room are here to accompany you in all the steps along your journey!
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How to get access to funding for female founders
Learn from our outstanding panelists how to deal with raising funds. Whether you want to understand more about governmental grants or want to understand how to raise a funding round, this session you'll learn all this and more.

What investors are looking for when investing in female-led startups
Learn from our outstanding panelists how to deal with raising funds. Whether you want to understand more about governmental grants or want to understand how to raise a funding round, this session you'll learn all this and more.

Marian Spier wants more financial investment for women
Education focused on the field of financial investments could be the key to success for female entrepreneurs.

The investment gap
The investment gap: Why only one percent of financial investments goes towards female-led organisations.

SHELEADS: FEM-START on the Funding Ecosystem
Less than 1% of VC funding goes to female entrepreneurs, and currently, the number is staying the same. At the same time, the fastest-growing group of entrepreneurs is female entrepreneurs.

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Join FEM-START now! Find out more about what FEM-START can mean to you. We provide educational courses on funding, nurture a growing community of female entrepreneurs and organise events all year long.