Meet Hawa from the FEM-START Team!

Hi Hawa! We’re thrilled to be chatting with you today. Could you share a little bit about yourself?

Hi! I am Hawa, 21 years old and born and raised in Rotterdam. I am fully Liberian (West African). Currently, I am a third-year International Business student in Rotterdam with marketing as my specialization. I am a true R&B fanatic, love dancing, writing, and trying food from different cultures.

Tell us, what is your role at FEM-START?

I am a social media and content creation intern. I am in charge of creating and posting content for our social media, our blogs (where we post things such as our branding interviews), and our newsletter. I also assist with events and collaborations.

Why is it important to you to work in strengthening female entrepreneurship? Why FEM-START and its mission to bridge the funding gap?

Topics surrounding diversity and minorities have always sparked my interest. Social studies were one of my favorite subjects during high school. It opened my eyes even further to disparities that exist in different communities. FEM-START’s mission to bridge the funding gap resonates with me deeply, as I have seen how access to resources can change lives. Supporting female entrepreneurs is important if we want a more inclusive society where women get the same chances in a male-dominated environment. And I always love to see women succeed!

What aspect of your job at FEM-START do you enjoy the most? What do you look forward to?

What I love about my job at FEM-START is how involved I get to be in different events and initiatives. Each event or initiative provides a unique opportunity to connect with other inspiring female entrepreneurs, who I can learn from. I always look forward to the design phase, where we brainstorm ideas on what visuals will fit the best and what message we are trying to portray.

What skills or experiences do you hope to gain at FEM-START?

I aim to apply my academic knowledge into practical situations, while also developing a deeper understanding of strategic content creation. Overall, I want to develop my marketing skills and grow in a dynamic environment. 

Reflecting on your journey, what advice would you give to your younger self?

It’s okay if it takes you an extra year or more steps to get where you want to be. There is absolutely no rush or deadline in life; you still have lots of time to do the things you want to do.

Do you have a personal mantra?

What is meant for me, will simply find me.

FEM-START is ready to support you on your entrepreneurial journey.  We provide educational courses on funding, pitching, and finding investors, nurture a growing community of female entrepreneurs, and organize events all year long.


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