Meet Jose Zhang: Founder of Scale Efficiency, the Company That Transforms Repetitive Tasks into Seamless Automation

Hello Jose! We're thrilled to be chatting with you today at FEM-START. Could you share what sparked your entrepreneurial journey and the motivation behind launching Scale Efficiency?

Scale Efficiency offers Robot-As-A-Service, providing custom virtual robots to handle repetitive tasks, enabling businesses to free up time for more important matters.

Since I was young, I’ve been passionate about efficiency and results. I’m always seeking ways to do things faster and better, whether it’s achieving a high score in a game or cleaning my house in record time.

Before Scale Efficiency, I spent over 10 years working in Finance across various industries and companies. While I enjoyed the profession, I was frustrated by the amount of repetitive, low-value work that consumed my time. I wanted to focus on more impactful tasks, but I was held back by tedious work.

Then I discovered RPA (Robotic Process Automation) technology, realizing it was the solution I needed years ago. With RPA, I could swiftly develop robots to automate repetitive tasks. Now, I’m determined to assist others in automating mundane work, freeing up time for more meaningful endeavors.

However, it hasn’t been easy, as RPA is still unfamiliar to many businesses. Despite the prevalence of discussions about digital transformation and AI, many are reluctant to embrace this technology. Personally, I had to overcome a steep learning curve to become proficient in RPA development. As the founder of a tech company, I believe it’s crucial to have command over the code, as it forms the core of our service.

What are some of the most essential things you did to get your business off the ground?

To ensure that a business grows, it’s important to have the necessary knowledge and skills to take it to the next level. If you don’t possess certain skills, it’s important to seek support from others to fill those gaps.

I have accumulated a lot of working experience, which has allowed me to learn and develop numerous skills. For the skills I lack, I seek a co-founder who can complement them. I also spend a significant amount of time reading and learning from YouTube. I highly recommend the channels of Alex Hormozi and Leila Hormozi, both of whom are seasoned entrepreneurs offering valuable business content for free.

Additionally, I prioritize my mental and emotional well-being. Personal and entrepreneurial growth involves shedding limiting beliefs.

Lastly, I actively seek advice from people in my network. You’d be surprised at how many individuals are willing to offer guidance if you are open and ask for help.

How did you build your customer base and grow Scale Efficiency?

I engage in social selling on LinkedIn by consistently sharing valuable content. I focus on providing value and building relationships, and if someone shows interest, I offer further value and they may become paying customers. I also participate in a LinkedIn boost group with other content creators to support each other’s posts.

Additionally, I seek partnerships with companies that offer complementary products and services, such as Actuals (reconciliation software), to exchange leads. I understand the importance of utilizing my network and existing customers for referrals and maintaining communication with potential leads, even if they’re not interested right away, as they might be open to it in the future.

What are some of the biggest mistakes you made along the way, and what did you learn from them?

When I first started my business, I spent too much time conceptualizing it in my head instead of testing it in the market. During my initial market research, I received various reactions, making it difficult to know whose opinion to trust.

My mentor advised me to keep testing my service with customers. I haven’t achieved product-market fit yet, so I anticipate needing to pivot multiple times to get it right, but I’ve embraced this approach. I was nervous about presenting what felt like an amateur service to customers, but being open about my journey and offering discounts or other suitable offers has relieved the pressure.

Now, I approach new business areas and phases by conducting initial research or preparation first, and then taking action. I learn a lot from failure and find that I learn much faster by doing rather than endlessly preparing.

What is your biggest achievement since founding the company, and how did you get there?

I created a minimum viable product (MVP) to test the service, and I’m thrilled to report that the robots are functioning successfully. Transitioning from the finance industry to the tech sector was a significant leap for me, and I’m still learning a lot in this new field. Nevertheless, I’m pleased with my decision to make the switch because it has exposed me to a whole new world of learning opportunities and I’ve had the chance to meet many fascinating people in the tech industry along the way. 

Before I began working on the MVP and refining the business concept, I had extensive discussions with developers, analysts, tech founders, and project managers in order to develop a solid plan of action. By starting with a well-thought-out game plan, I was able to test and make adjustments much more efficiently.

What advice do you have for other women who want to start their own business?

Ask yourself why you want to start your own business. Having a strong “Why” and a desire to solve a problem helps you through the low periods. Starting a business is hard and can only be described as a rollercoaster, but it’s also extremely rewarding. Surround yourself with supporters and consider finding partners who you can really build on as you go on this journey.

Find out what your first steps are going to be, and then start taking those steps. They say it takes 20 deliberate and focused hours to get good at any skill, but most people spend years postponing that first hour. Be hungry, relentless, and never stop believing in yourself.

What's next for you and your business? Anything we can expect in 2025

As we grow, we hope to scale and expand our services, so we can help even more people automate repetitive work. I strongly believe in the magic of RPA and I’ll be continuously spreading this message.


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