Meet Sarita Sylvester: Founder of Lé Training, Coaching & Consultancy, the Company Empowering Educators and Immigrants Through Personal Transformation and Cultural Integration

Hello Sarita! We’re thrilled to be chatting with you today at FEM-START. Could you share what inspired you to start your own business? And the motivation behind Lé Training, Coaching & Consultancy BV? 

Following the birth of my son Lémar, I underwent a profound personal transformation. His presence has sparked a desire within me to strive for my utmost potential. With 15 years of involvement in the field of education, I have dedicated the past decade to teaching non-native speakers. The diverse motivations of these students, who relocate to the Netherlands, have served as a wellspring of inspiration. By assimilating not only language but also Dutch culture, they enrich their lives. Given the multifaceted challenges inherent in our roles as educators, I am motivated to leverage my influence and business acumen to empower fellow teachers through coaching and training initiatives.

What are some of the most essential things you did to get your business off the ground?

Actively pursue opportunities and partnerships. Engage in workshop sessions and inspirational meetings, and never feel too proud to learn something new. Stay informed about industry-related subsidies, funding opportunities, and advancements. Utilize LinkedIn as an effective networking platform to enhance your professional presence.

How did you build your customer base and grow Lé Training, Coaching & Consultancy?

Write down clearly who you are and what you stand for. Consider your target audience and potential business collaborators thoughtfully. Your existing professional network holds significant potential. Drawing from 15 years of involvement in the field of education, I actively leverage my network and professional acquaintances within the educational sphere. Even friends working in education contribute significantly to my business advancement. Stay connected with other female entrepreneurs so you can learn from them. 

What are some of the biggest mistakes you made along the way, and what did you learn from them?

Due to my upcoming transition to a part-time teaching role post-summer, I experienced a notable increase in anxiety. The reduction in working hours lead to a decrease in income. However, it will also allow me to dedicate more time to launching my own entrepreneurial venture. This situation led me to an excessively strenuous work routine, focusing solely on acquiring new clients, resulting in a significant imbalance and overexertion. I realized the importance of having faith in my abilities and, most importantly, that my belief in what my business stands for must be stronger than my anxiety.

What is your biggest achievement since founding the company, and how did you get there?

One of my achievements was pitching my idea to become eligible for the Rijnmonds Arbeidsmarkt Perspectieffonds (RAP). I had a great conversation with a highly skilled policy advisor from the Gemeente Rotterdam. Her constructive feedback and encouragement boosted my confidence to pursue the fund and believe in my capabilities. Now, my objective is to identify a suitable institution where I can launch the pilot program in collaboration with Deborah Mets, my life coach. 

What advice do you have for women wanting to start their own business?

There is only one you, and that is your strength. Connecting with other female entrepreneurs and joining a community like FEM-START can provide invaluable learning opportunities and inspiration. Ultimately, you are the one who has to take action. Believe in yourself, and don’t give up. Everything works with a good plan!

What’s next for you and your business? Anything we can expect in 2025?

I am to increase my visibility so that I can make my voice heard both online and offline, and to be an advocate for greater support and resources for teachers.


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