Courses 1 & 2: Types of funding & Meeting the investors

When you think of investment, your thoughts may quickly turn to people in business attire making tough demands and asking difficult questions. Yet the world of funding is (thankfully) a lot more approachable and versatile than that. And that is a very good thing, because it is important that the type of funding you are going to use suits your business as well as you as a person!

In the course ‘Types of Funding’, we discuss the different sources of investments that are available and we will consider the following:

  • What does it entail?
  • What are the advantages?
  • What are the disadvantages?
  • Does it fit your business?
  • Does it suit you (and your team)?

We will also answer the question of why it is important to assemble your team timely and thoughtfully. Of course, our various experts will also share their knowledge and wisdom with you in the process, so you can get started based on their experience! In addition, we will challenge you to apply everything you learn directly to your own business.

At the end of the first course, you’ll know your options and be ready to get funded!

The second course, ‘Meeting the Investors’ will cover the essential aspects that are important to consider before you sit down with an investor. Our experts Janneke Niessen – who is an investor – and Micky Chen – founder of Minite Works – share their stories from their perspectives. This will give you an idea of what goes on on both sides of the table.

We also cover topics your company will (most likely) have to deal with, including:

  • Finding the right investor
  • Understanding investors jargon
  • The product-market fit
  • Understanding finance
  • Taking care of due diligence
  • Handling product demos

As always, several experts will share their knowledge and experience with you, so you know what to be wary of in your business. By the end of this course, you’ll know all the essential aspects of preparing for a fruitful funding conversation and be ready to meet the investors.
