Hello Senna! We’re thrilled to be chatting with you today at FEM-START. Could you share what sparked your entrepreneurial journey and the motivation behind launching MONO Mocktails?

My sister and I started our business with a shared passion and vision. We wanted to create a product that was not only delicious and surprising but also offered a wonderful experience.

The idea for making non-alcoholic cocktails came when we noticed there were few appealing options for people who don’t drink alcohol or just want something different. We believe that we can make alcohol-free experiences accessible to everyone. Our entrepreneurial journey has allowed us to express our creativity, work together, and make a positive impact in a growing alcohol-free market.

What are some of the most essential things you did to get your business off the ground?

We prioritized innovation and meeting customer needs to launch our business. We followed current trends and even established new ones, like custom mocktails suitable for any theme or color scheme. For instance, our mocktails can showcase a personal photo or be tailored to fit a winter wonderland, a cute teddy bear theme, or a lively disco vibe. To enhance our visibility, we partnered with popular social media content creators, interacted with the press, and invested in our branding, social media platforms, and website.

Consequently, we have cultivated a sizable and diverse customer base, encompassing both individual consumers and businesses.

How did you build your customer base and grow MONO Mocktails?

One of the most important factors in building a customer base and growing your business is establishing trust. How can a client trust you? By honoring all commitments, working transparently, and giving each customer personal attention. A satisfied customer becomes a genuine promoter of your work. Many of our clients are repeat customers, and much of our growth has come through their networks.

In the beginning, we offered small packages to make our products more accessible to a wider audience. As a result, our mocktails became a staple at various events, increasing our visibility. The fact that our mocktails were seen everywhere, including at events with well-known personalities, made it even more popular to book us.

What are some of the biggest mistakes you made along the way, and what did you learn from them?

One of the biggest mistakes we made in the beginning was trying to do everything ourselves and not seeking help or support. We also stayed too much within our familiar comfort zone, which limited our growth. Breaking out of our comfort zone was challenging, but we realized that true growth happens outside of it. From this experience, we learned the importance of seeking external support and exploring new opportunities.

By stepping out of our comfort zone, we connected with new people and entrepreneurs, gained insights from diverse perspectives, and learned what works best for us. This approach has broadened our view and allowed us to consider possibilities beyond our previous perspective.

What is your biggest achievement since founding the company, and how did you get there?

One of our biggest achievements is staying true to ourselves while building a following of over a quarter million on Instagram. We have garnered media attention as two entrepreneurial sisters, published our own recipe book, and had our mocktails featured in the movie “Marokkaanse Bruiloft.” We also had the opportunity to create themed mocktails for Disney premieres and launched the MONO truck. Additionally, we have set trends with our themed mocktails and inspired other women to pursue entrepreneurship, whether in mocktails or other fields.

What advice do you have for other women who want to start their own business?

Dare to think big. If you have an idea or a vision, make it a reality for yourself. Set a goal, no matter how ambitious, and create smaller milestones to achieve it. Your idea doesn’t need to be perfect. Perfectionism can prevent you from ever starting. Begin now and make improvements along the way. I truly believe that if you wait for everything to be perfect before you start, you’ll end up starting too late. Entrepreneurship is a journey, not a destination. So don’t forget to enjoy the process, as that’s where your growth lies.

What’s next for you and your business? Anything we can expect in 2025

In 2025, we aim to open our first MONO location.

If you want to know more about Senna’s company MONO Mocktails, Click here!




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